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Home » Uncategorized » Neon Donut Signs – Glaze the Competition!

Neon Donut Signs – Glaze the Competition!

December 24th, 2010 Posted in Uncategorized

If you have a donut shop, you will want people to know, at a glance what you offer inside. By posting a neon business sign with an image of donuts you are guaranteed to attract more customers. The bright, colored letters will catch their eye as well.

Most people identify donuts as a breakfast food. If you serve them all day long, then make sure that people know this. A delicious donut can be an excellent treat any time of day. Your neon sign display will let customers know that you have a donut with their name on it any time day or night.

For extra appeal, consider Flashing LED Signs. You may prefer one with text only. But you should also look into a sign with flashing text and images. The combination of the two in motion and bright lights is sure to increase business.

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