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Some information’s about neon sign light

January 23rd, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized

First glass is heated and then shaped by rotating it in burner flames. There are 4 main types of burners. They are crossfire, fishtail, ribbon and Hand torch burners. Crossfire and fishtail burners are used for slices and angled bends. Ribbon burners are used for curves and sweep bends and hand torch can be used for splices or tapering and tipping of electrodes.

Both Neon and argon gas are inert gasses. If with neon or argon gas a few drops of mercury are added in the tube it will not cause any damage as long as the tube is intact. If the tube is broken it create problem to both environment and health. Due to this reason, many neon shops do not repair neon sign.

Did you know that neon tattoo signs can enhance your business?

January 22nd, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized

It can be undoubtedly said that neon tattoo signs have become a necessity to all shops. Earlier if you have had a tattoo business that would be the only one in your area and there was less competition. But that is not the case now.

While considering the evolution of neon sign and tattoo, they are extreme contrasts.. What make it popular was that they were relatively energy efficient and their lifespan was also much more. Above all, the signs just plain looked cool and stylish. All this led to the instant popularity of the method.